The Stairs on 9/11


I found myself in an architectural wonder.  One that nobody ever wanted to build, yet it came to be by an act of terrorism.  Religion being politicized.  Used against all people and nations.  There is a deep truth in living preciously with the intent of never causing harm.   As Rumi's famous poem shares: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.”  In my heart, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City became that field; a space to try to make sense of it all. I was invited to attend the The Soul Purpose Method conference in September of 2019.  A group of professionals from across the world congregated to learn, connect and support two friends whose book -- the title of the conference-- was about to launch.  For those of you that have not had the opportunity to visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum know that you enter on the ground floor and travel down into a cavernous space where the twin towers once firmly stood.  A sacred environment, to say the very least. Each and every single square foot honoring the souls that were taken away that horrible day.   On the opening night of the conference we were asked to walk around the museum for 45 minutes and write about what impacted us the most.  This is what emerged from inside me:

Walking out of the conference room

I can hear them calling out my name

As I move, I am in thoughtful wonder

Can a space really speak to me? 

I immediately remember an very touching experience I had at the Jewish Museum in Berlin

I bow my head in reverence knowing the freedom we have of creating art from chaos

I stop to take a deep breath

A sense of overwhelmingness flooding me

I know it is not an ordinary journey that this space has invited me to go on

I timidly walk to the top of the stairs

The elevator is not for me today

When I reach the ledge of that first step

I break down as tears flow down my face

Oh my, all those souls trying to make it outside

I find myself descending into an abyss

Or is it my own arrival?

As I journey downwards

The light starts mixing with darkness

And what was - no longer is

The is becomes a whole new world of exploration

No longer knowing where up or down goes

I know I need to practice using my voice

As soon as that thought comes to mind

I hear a chorus of silence inviting me further inside

I can somehow distinctly hear each voice

Sharing the immeasurable terror and horror they experienced that day

Humbled to my core 

I know each of those voices 

Continues to be a glorious piece of the greater divine

“You will never be forgotten”, I repeat over and over again

For all those who made it out that day

I hope you know you are grace

For the world who watched it all unfold

And even if you were too young then or not yet born 

Listening is of the essence no matter what step we are standing on

Whether the steps are taking us up or down

Light and dark will always have a hand

As we all keep on learning to fly high

Let’s not forget to always keep our feet firmly planted on the ground

When we finally take our last flight

Those we touched will feel our light caress

What I choose to do while I am still on this step

Has tremendous possibility to create a massive ripple effect

So when I hear my bare naked feet landing 

I know someone has already been here

I choose to connect to their lovely hum

Up and down I will continue to go

I sense that it all exists in the spaces in between

Honoring all those gone 

Thanking you for the reminder

That the only important time is now

There is always that divine voice

Guiding us all along

May we all practice gentleness

So we may cause no harm...


And She Ran…